Hello Western Cape

Submit your social media content to be posted on the page of your local area

Submit your social media content using the form below. See the guidelines below for more detailed information.

Please read the disclaimer before submitting.

Note: are your images and/or videos SQUARE (1:1)?

If not, please edit them to fit the correct format – we will not post images that have a blank border added on either side. Images of other ratios will be cropped according to how we see fit.


Social Media Content Form


Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 9 files.
Maximum of 9 images or 8 images and 1 video. Must all be square in format - do not add a border to oblong shaped images, rather crop them. Images must be 1000kb (1MB) or less.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Maximum of 9 images or 8 images and 1 video. Must all be square in format. Videos must be 20MB or less.
We use Canva Pro, so we can download your video/content directly from Canva.
Minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 1000 words.
Provide a minimum of 5 a maximum of 20 hashtags related to your post
If this post relates to a certain date or event, let us know which date you prefer to be posted - if possible we will post it on that date.

Boosting a Post

various prices

Option 1

Single Social Media Boost

per post per social media page

Time vs expenditure

  • Reach up to 2000 people
  • Runs for 4 days on Facebook or Instagram
Boost my Post
Option 2

Single Social Media Boost

per post per social media page

Time vs expenditure

  • Reach up to 5000 people
  • Runs for 4 days on Facebook or Instagram
Boost my Post
Option 3

Single Social Media Boost

per post per social media page

Time vs expenditure

  • Reach up to 9000 people
  • Runs for 4 days on Facebook or Instagram
Boost my Post


The rules and parameters for social media marketing on the Hello pages.


Each post will correspond with the Facebook or Instagram page of the regional book in which the advert is placed.


Should you advertise in multiple books, your content will be posted on each of the corresponding pages.


Only one post will be made on any given day. If there is less content than can fill the month, the posts will be spread equally over the month. The quota is limited to 28/30/31 posts, i.e. number of days in a month.


Posts will be scheduled for the month ahead. The notification for the coming month will go out a week prior to month end. Posts will then be scheduled between 1 and 3 days before the start of the new month.


Posts submitted after the deadline will be pushed forward to the following month and prioritised as first in line for the new month.


Images provided must be square (1:1) in format. Do not add a border to oblong shaped images, rather crop them. Images not fitting this format will either be cropped or will not be posted. 


Images must be 1000kb or less. Larger images will not be posted.


The number of images is limited to 9 per post.


If a video is included, it must fit a square format and will take the place of an image.


The last image of any set of posts will be an infographic informing people about the Hello Western Cape website and corresponding books in the various areas.


Written content must be provided. A minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 1000 words. This content should be checked for spelling and grammar before submitting. Content will simply be copied and pasted will not be proof read.


A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 hashtags must be provided.


No contact information will be given in the post, the post will be linked back to the individual Premium Listing on the Hello Western Cape website.


No posts will be shared to groups, however, individuals are welcome to do so.


With regard to special dates and events, posts are prioritised on a first-come-first-serve basis. You are welcome to make a request of a specific date for a post to go out and this will be fulfilled where possible.


No comments will be answered. Rude or unsavoury comments will be deleted. Other forms of promotion in comments will be deleted.


Unlike the adverts for the books and images for the website which are kept on file, all content submitted for these social media posts will be deleted at the end of each month.


Parameters for boosting posts.


Posts may be boosted/promoted for an additional cost.


Only once funds for boosting reflect will the post be boosted.


Unless specified, the target audience will be determined by the followers profiles as a base point.


Boosts are limited to four days.


Salamander Publishing cannot be held accountable for the impact that activities on the various social media platforms it manages may have on any business or individual. All content is submitted with the understanding that the business or individual submitting that content to be posted takes full responsibility for the events that follow after the post has gone live. To this end, Salamander Publishing will endeavour to manage the various social media platforms to the best of it’s ability.

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