Rupert & Rothschild Vignerons
Rupert & Rothschild Vignerons
Rupert & Rothschild Vignerons
Everything Rupert & Rothschild is today, and everything it will be tomorrow, is driven by a single shared wish, made years ago by a prestigious pair. A wish to create a legacy of perfection that they, and you, and many more, could build on and enjoy, for years to come. A legacy of partnership and craftsmanship that would welcome and delight, elevate and endure.
In uniting Rupert and Rothschild, we marry two legacies, two histories, two dreams. Balance the Old World and the New, yesterday and tomorrow, science and art, sophistication and simplicity, rarity and openness, class and consistency. All to create exceptional wines, distinctive wines. Wines of superior quality.
Our three wines talk to accomplishment and aspiration – to the luxury of focus and the luxury of time. They carry our family label, but when it comes to quality and character, they always, always, speak for themselves.
Ever golden, this world-class Chardonnay strikes the perfect balance between vibrancy and sophistication. She is the epitome of elegance and grace. Timeless and steadfast, she endears and intrigues, with subtle finesse.
A wine that brings people together, this widely sought-after red blend matches distinctive quality — an ability to consistently delight — with an alluring openness. It invites you in, uplifts, welcomes with charm and composure.
The grand master of our collection, this richly textured Bordeaux blend is all class and integrity. Bold in flavour and rich in history, Baron Edmond is a truly iconic wine, best paired with those truly iconic moments.